
Li, J., 2020. The development direction of marine tourism based on mobile marketing mode. In: Li, L. and Huang, X. (eds.), Sustainable Development in Coastal Regions: A Perspective of Environment, Economy, and Technology. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 112, pp. 73-76. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.With the rapid development of Internet technology, mobile marketing mode has become more and more mature, which has been widely used in marine tourism. In the mobile marketing mode, we can cross the convenience of time and space, which will have a broader communication platform. Therefore, the current marine tourism has gradually moved towards intelligence and informatization, which has become the development direction of China's future tourism industry. Mobile marketing mode has changed the marketing mode of traditional marine tourism products, which will gradually optimize and restructure the marine tourism industry. Through further integration of information technology, we will make the way of marine tourism more intelligent, which will bring new problems to marine tourism. Most coastal cities take tourism as their pillar industry, which requires continuous improvement and upgrading of marine tourism development based on mobile marketing mode. Combined with the current situation of mobile marketing, this paper constructs the intelligent development direction of marine tourism.

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