
Article The Development and Application of MTPA Calibration Method Based on INCA FLOW and MATLAB Zhijun Liu 1,2, Renyi Huang 1,*, Xiaoyan Zhuo 1, Kailiang Chen 1, and Guanglan Li 1 1 Liuzhou Saike Technology Development Co., Ltd., Liuzhou 545005, China 2 Liuzhou Key Laboratory of Electrified Powertrain Electronic Control, Liuzhou 545005, China * Correspondence: renyi.huang@foxmail.com Received: 20 July 2023 Accepted: 6 November 2023 Published: 28 November 2023 Abstract: In industrial applications, the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control algorithm typically employs an offline look-up table (LUT) method instead of an online MTPA control method to reduce the online computational resources. However, the LUT method has some drawbacks, such as heavy testing workload, longer cycles, and cumbersome data processing, significantly diminishing the efficiency of MTPA data acquisition. To address the limitations of the LUT method, this study proposes an automatic MTPA calibration method combining INCA FLOW and MATLAB. The calibration efficiency and data accuracy are improved by utilizing INCA FLOW for automatic MTPA testing and MATLAB for data processing. An experimental test bench was constructed to evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that this method efficiently performs MTPA data testing and visualizes the results. Compared with the traditional manual MTPA calibration method, this method achieves a 320% improvement in calibration efficiency. The main technical contribution of this study is the introduction of the automatic MTPA calibration method that not only optimizes data accuracy but also enhances calibration efficiency.

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