
This study is purposed to improve students' critical thinking skills. It is based on the reality of social life in the college or school environment, family, community, it can be seen that the low level of sensitivity, willingness, and ability of students to take part in solving various conflict problems. In daily life, students have generated attitudes and behaviors that are selforiented and become less sensitive to their social environment. In understanding conflict, the critical learning model is needed. Researchers are interested in conducting a research entitled Conflict-Based Learning Models to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Skills at the Faculty of Sharia, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Padang. The development of this conflictbased learning model is necessary to do because there has been no conflict-based learning model with a socio-cultural perspective to resolve agrarian conflicts recently. It is hoped that by using this model, students in analyzing and resolving agrarian conflicts will not only use legalistic-positivistic state legal instruments but also approach the rules found in local communities, so there are no prolonged conflicts anymore. This type of research is development research or what is called Research and Development (R&D) with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The Conflict-based Learning Model in order to Improve Students 'Thinking Ability in this study has produced a valid, practical, and effective model because it has an impact on increasing students' critical thinking skills and learning motivation.

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