
A comparator method based on the resonance integral of 197Au(n, γ) 198Au reaction has been used to determine fast neutron spectrum-averaged cross-section data of some dosimetry reactions in a miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) facility. Target materials of low- and medium-mass nuclei, which are of interest in reactor dosimetry and NAA were investigated. Irradiation was performed under Cd cover in an inner irradiation channel of the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) currently fueled with highly enriched uranium (HEU). Spectrum-averaged cross-section data were calculated on the basis of the epithermal neutron flux monitored by the Al–0.1%Au foil irradiated along with the target materials. Results of (n,p) reaction on 27Al, 28Si, 29Si, 46Ti, 47Ti, 56Fe, 58Ni, and (n, α) reaction on 30Si were found to be in good agreement with recommended data within standard deviation. However, data obtained for the 27Al(n, α) 24Na and 64Zn (n,p) 64Cu reactions using the Al–0.1%Au foil as the flux monitor for both the comparator approach and the conventional method are higher than recommended data from the literature by over 25%.

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