
The analysis of productivity in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) at a European level reveals enormous differences in output per researcher across countries. This study develops a 5-step methodology that explicitly considers the quality of scientific output in EU universities and its specialisations to explain and decompose the differences in output per university researcher in terms of (a) differences in efficiency within each field of science (FOS), (b) differences in FOS specialisation of HEIs in each country, (c) differences in quality, and (d) differences in allocation of resources per researcher. The inefficiency levels estimated show that across the EU as a whole there is a substantial margin for increasing research output without having to spend more resources. There are also major differences between countries in terms of inefficiency. The main sources of heterogeneity in scientific output in the HEIs of the EU are the differences in resources allocated per researcher and, to a lesser extent, the differences in efficiency within each knowledge field. The differences in quality and in specialisation also play a smaller role in determining differences in output.

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