
Prior research has investigated organizational adoption of inter-organizational Information Technology (IT) using the Technological–Organizational–Environmental (TOE) framework. While that research has yielded important insights into the adoption of inter-organizational IT, new technologies, such as XBRL, can be used inter-organizationally or internally. As such, testing the TOE framework in both an internal and inter-organizational context is vital because the independent variables explaining internal adoption may be different from those explaining inter-organizational adoption. Using XBRL as a representative example, the TOE framework is used in this study to investigate XBRL adoption for both internal and inter-organizational purposes. The results suggest that the drivers of internal adoption differ from those of inter-organizational adoption. Based on these results, we encourage future research to consider whether the significance of technological, organizational, and environmental variables change based on whether a technology is adopted internally or inter-organizationally. From a practical perspective, the findings can help professional associations encourage adoption of XBRL.

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