
The traditional Carius tube technique is cumbersome and requires skilful work to seal the Carius tube, which can be used only once. We describe a modification to the technique that does not require the use of a high‐temperature welding torch to melt the Carius tube to seal it. The newly designed Carius tube consists of a main body with a 3 mm‐thick glass wall, a neck and head with walls 4 mm in thickness, and an efficient screw‐thread stopper. These new features allowed the tube to be used repeatedly. We demonstrate relatively low procedural blanks derived for Re and Os, and platinum‐group elements (PGEs), using the redesigned tube. A temperature of 220 °C could be reached for about 5 ml of HNO3 for a 47 ml tube and for 32 ml of inverse aqua regia for a 200 ml tube. This digestion technique can be used for routine analysis of Re and PGEs in geological samples.

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