
Material Recovery Facility is a waste management method applied to solve the solid waste problem. This plan uses a sampling method to determine the generation, composition, material balance, and volume of solid waste, as well as for the determination of MRF-based Temporary Disposal Site design at Universitas Airlangga Campus C. Sampling results indicated that the solid waste generation rate in administration and learning activities were 0.081 and 0.018 kg/person/day; gardening 0.0035 kg/m2/day, and street sweeping 0.66 kg/m/day. The percentages of organic waste component of administrative and learning activities were 28.01% and 58%, 96% for gardening, and 100% for street sweeping. The material balance of waste processed at the temporary disposal site and waste disposed to landfill by 612.19 and 259.56 kg/day or 70.23 and 29.77%. The total waste volume was 19.43 m3/day. Therefore, it can be concluded that the design of MRF-based temporary disposal site at Universitas Airlangga Campus C may reduce the waste generation rate disposed to landfill.

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