
The problem of research is not to use the aids and aids in the lesson of physical education in primary schools, which can support learning the skills of table tennis, especially the skills of front and rear impact, as well as lack of focus on the development of motor abilities, including the speed of the motor response required by this game, , And that the use of devices and aids helps the trainer to shorten the learning time and effort spent in addition to creating a kind of fun and thrill to practice this game. The goal of the research was: 1-Prepare a device to develop the speed of response and its impact in learning the skills of the front and back strike of primary school students table tennis 2-to identify the impact of the device in learning the skills of the front and back strike of primary school students table tennis The research researcher used the experimental method to design the two groups to suit the nature of the problem. The researcher identified a research society of 16 primary school pupils in Hebron. The researcher chose a sample of 12 students and the sample divided into two groups with 6 students per group. The researcher used the statistical file (spss). After the results were extracted, they were statistically processed and presented in a set of tables and analyzed, and then were discussed in a precise scientific method based on sources and studies that supported the researcher's views in his interpretation of the results in order to achieve the research objectives and hypotheses. Results researcher concluded: 1-The proposed exercises prepared by the researcher and the use of modern and innovative tools and methods helped to develop the accuracy of the front and back blows of the experimental group. 2-The development of the speed of motor response to the arms had a clear impact on the development of the skill level of the front and back blows.In light of the conclusions, the researcher recommends the following: 1-Dependence on the aids and aids in the directorates of sports and scouting activities and in the specialized schools of table tennis 2-Emphasize the use of the device designed in educational units in line with the potential of young people and their levels

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