
To meet the construction requirements of future fusion reactors and other large-scale superconducting magnets, China is building an advanced superconducting conductor experimental device (Super-X) to evaluate the performance of future superconducting components. To ensure the reliability, stability of the Super-X devices and the flexibility, extensibility of the experimental tests, a specialized data acquisition and monitoring system has been designed and developed, which comprises three main components: data acquisition, transmission, and storage. For the data acquisition, a driver plug-in dynamic loading mechanism is employed to shield the diversification of data acquisition devices, thereby providing a unified data interface for upper-level operations. In terms of data transmission, the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) mode of ZeroMQ was utilized to meet the high-speed sampling demands (10 kHz sampling rate) of data transmission. In addition, a data distribution service improvement strategy that employs multiple workers is proposed to enhance subscriber reception capacity and reduce data transmission loss. As for data storage, a combination of short-term and long-term databases is used to improve the efficiency of data queries. The results of testing indicate that the system can satisfy the operational and experimental requirements of the device.

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