
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is an accelerator-based multidisciplinary user facility constructed in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. The injector of the CSNS accelerator consists of 4 conventional Alvarez DTL tanks, and it accelerates an H- beam from 3 MeV to 80 MeV. There is a series of accelerator physics and technology challenges in the DTL design and construction. The transverse focusing is arranged in a FFDD lattice utilizing a newly developed electromagnetic quadrupole magnets. The DTL cavity is copper-plated to enhance the electrical conductivity of the tank inner RF surface. There is not any space for steering magnet installing in the 36 m long DTL section, which leads to a rather high precision requirements for fabrication, installation and RF tuning. Benefited from the advanced fabrication technology and optimized tuning strategy, the CSNS DTL shows an excellent performance in the beam commissioning. The beam is successfully accelerated to 80 MeV with nearly 100% transmissions. The detailed physics and cavity design are described, construction and beam commissioning results are also shown.

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