
Aging as an inevitable and complex physiological process occurs through a progressive decrease in the potential of tissue regeneration. Given the increasing global outbreak of aging and age-related disorders, it is important to control this phenomenon. Parkinson's disease (one of the age-related neurodegenerative and progressive disorders) resulted from predominant dopaminergic neurons deficiency. Usual Parkinson's disease treatments just can lead to symptomatically relieving. Recently, cell therapy and regenerative medicine a great promise in the treatment of several types of disorders including Parkinson's disease. Herein, before starting clinical trials, preclinical studies should be performed to answer some fundamental questions about the safety and efficacy of various treatments. Additionally, developing a well-designed and approved study is required to provide an appropriate animal model with strongly reliable validation methods. Hereupon, this review will discuss about the design and application of an appropriate Parkinson's disease animal model in regenerative medicine. In order to conduct the present review, numbers of Parkinson's disease preclinical studies, as well as literatures related to the animal modeling, were considered. Appropriate animal models which approved by related authorize committees should have a high similarity to humans from anatomical, physiological, behavioral, and genetic characteristics view of point. It is concluded that animal studies before starting clinical trials have an important role in answering the crucial questions about the various treatments safety and efficacy. Therein, it is recommended that all of animal modeling stages be assessed by animal ethics and welfare guidelines and also evaluated by different validation tests. However, it is better to find some alternatives to replacement, refinement, and, reduction of animals. Nowadays, some novel technologies such as using imaging methods have been introduced.

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