
The article addresses the fate of the deputies of the first Bassarabian legislative body – Sfatul Țării (the Council of Country) and of the members of the Government of the Moldavian Democratic Republic, who contributed to the creation of the unified Romanian State by voting on the Declaration of Unification of Bessarabia with Romania on 27 March 1918. Bessarabia and Bessarabians were among the first to declare their desire and will to reunite the territory of the Romanian nation. They were also among the first to suffer from the political changes and the territorial seizures in the late 1940s. Some of them had to leave forever their native land in order to ensure the safety of their families, and those, who for various reasons have remained, were accused by the organs of the communist totalitarian regime and condemned to various humiliating punishments, imprisoned in the worst jails, communist camps. The duty of the modern generation is to honor and commemorate the actions of our ancestors.

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