
We study the clustering dependence of X-ray AGN and normal galaxies on the stellar mass (M$_\star$), star-formation rate (SFR) and specific star-formation rate (sSFR) of the (host) galaxy. Towards this end, we use 407 X-ray AGN from the XMM-XXL survey ($\sim$ 25 deg$^2$ in the North) and $\sim45,000$ galaxies in the VIPERS field (W1: $\sim$16 deg$^2$). We match the AGN and galaxy samples to have the same M$_\star$, SFR and redshift distributions. Based on our results, the two populations live in DMHs with similar mass ($\log M / (M_{\odot} \, h^{-1})\approx 12.8$) and have similar dependence on the galaxy properties. Specifically, our measurements show a positive dependence of the AGN and galaxy clustering on M$_\star$ and a negative dependence on SFR and sSFR. We also find that the X-ray clustering is independent of the location of the host galaxy above or below the star-forming main sequence.

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