
The systematic and simple replacement of missing teeth without radical manipulation of existing sound structure— over preparation, utilizing scaffolding, or a matrix the “Winged Pontic” of prefabricated filled composite resin, may correctly be characterized as bio-synthetic tissue engineering. A new conversation regarding one of the direction of prosthetic dentistry for the 21st Century is offered in Stephan C. Bayne’s review of the state of the art for restorative biomaterials titled Dental Biomaterials: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? The non-invasive, uncomplicated, artistically and professionally rewarding “Winged Pontic” approach is one such arts, synthetic tissue engineering. The case report offered in this manuscript demonstrates the concept of direct and immediate tooth replacement in a step by step methodology that may easily be adapted by the dental surgeon. Fiber reinforcement is unnecessary based upon 25 years of research since it is cumbersome, ineffectual, and disruptive to the filled composite resin matrix. In any instance, the “Winged Pontic” fixed prosthesis may be viewed as a short term, medium term, or definitive restoration. It may also serve as a pediatric tooth space maintainer or as a implant stabilization prosthesis during osseointegration of dental implants by hollowing out the tissue side core of the “Winged Pontic” and placing it over the healing abutment of the dental implant

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