
In this paper we are concerned with the problem of counting rational points of bounded height on rational cubic surfaces. For most such surfaces this question appears much too hard for current methods. We shall therefore examine a particular example, namely the surfaceformula herefor which the problem is tractable, though by no means trivial. This surface contains the lines X0=Xi=0, for i=1, 2, 3, which we shall exclude from consideration. We therefore defineformula herewhere an integer vector is said to be primitive if its components have no common factor. The function [Nscr ](H) counts points with the most naive height available. This suffices, however, to bring out the key features of the problem. We may observe at once that the condition x0[les ]H is redundant, and that it suffices to assume that (x1, x2, x3) is primitive.Our principal result is the following theorem.

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