
Since the 2000s, French politics has been reshaped by emergencies imposed by the ecological crisis, spurred on by a consumer society, problems of developmentalism as ideology and a belief in endless exponential economic growth. Today, the ecological question has become commonplace for both the left and the right (and even for far-right movements). This process of restructuring political life results from new intellectual and societal dynamics that seek to offer solutions to the current ecological crisis. Degrowth is one of those dynamics, even though the history of Degrowth as a movement begins in the 2000s, the idea of Degrowth itself has a history that dates back to the early 1970s. This study aims to draw a portrait of the Degrowth movement in France by focusing first on its various sources of intellectual inspiration, second on its ideological tendencies, third on strategies and practices adopted and finally on the question of violence to understand if the radicality claimed by the movement could possibly lead it to consider violence as a legitimate means to achieve its ends.

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