
Purporose of the study. To determine the degree of effectiveness of the program of psychohygienic correction of the processes of personality formation and improving the quality of life of boys and girls on the leading characteristics of the body's adaptive capacity and risk factors for their negative changes.
 Materials and methods. In the course of the conductedresearchestheprogramofpsychohygienic correction of processes of formation of features of the person and improvement of quality of life of pupils and students is developed. Psychodiagnostic and medico-sociological methods and methods of statistical analysis were used to assess the degree
 of effectiveness of its application.
 Results. Data on the study of changes in the indicators of anxiety-neurotic, neuropsychological and characterological-motivational components of assessing the personality of students, as well as the characteristics of their quality of life emphasized the pronounced positive impact of the program of psychohygienic correction of personality development and improving the quality of life of students. on the processes of formation of indicators of functional state and adaptive resources of their organism.
 Conclusion. In the course of research, a significant positive degree of effectiveness of the program of psychohygienic correction of personality development processes and improving the quality of life of pupils and students on the leading characteristics of the body's adaptive capacity, indicators of personality, mental state and quality of life of boys and girls.

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