
Abstract Variations in intensity of deformation have been examined in the Fort Victoria greenstone belt in southern Rhodesia and in the Tati belt in northeast Botswana, both of which are on the diffuse northern border of the Limpopo mobile belt. Much of the deformation is related to widespread Limpopo events, and not to diapiric granite intrusions previously considered of major importance in the development of the Early Precambrian crust. Variations in intensity of deformation are due to the form of the major structures and to localised major ductile shear zones which cut both granites and greenstone belts. The pattern of deformation within the belts depends partly on how the granites behaved. Whether the schist belts deformed homogeneously or were part rotated and cut by shear zones depended on whether the granites deformed homogenously with the schist belt matrix or whether they were deformed by block sliding.

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