
Inertial reference frames spanning approximately 10°-30° square on the sky and capable of locating objects to few-hundred microarcsecond accuracies are useful for a broad class of astrometric measurements. Deep space tracking and general relativistic angular deflection experiments are examples of astrometric measurements which can profitably reference the positions and/or motions of objects to a field of radio sources in a local frame. A method for defining local inertial reference frames has been developed based on Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) measurements of extragalactic radio sources. By observing the radio emission from the object to be located in the frame, as well as that from about five radio sources which define the frame, dominant systematic astrometric errors can be minimized through parameter estimation. The entire reference frame measurement is of the order of 30 minutes including all the sources in a frame. The limiting error for single-epoch position determination in a local frame is the unknown structure of both target and reference objects. Structure can cause systematic milliarcsecond-level errors. The limiting error for epoch-to-epoch differential position measurements is tropospheric fluctuations, assuming that the radio source structures do not change from one epoch to the next. Preliminary results of an epoch-to-epoch measurement of relativistic gravitational deflection by Jupiter, in which the total deflection was about 600 microarcseconds, suggest that the local reference frame is stable at the 240-microarcsecond level over twelve days. Data have been taken at longer time intervals to determine the annual stability of the frames. At the time of preparation of these proceedings, those data have not yet been analyzed.

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