
UNDER the above title the Chemical News has recently J reprinted from the Chemiker Zeitung a notice of an important piece of work recently communicated to the Vienna Academy by Dr. C. A. von Welsbach. The work appears to have resulted in the discovery that the “dyad or triad element” didymium with an “atomic weight” of 48 or 96, or 147, according to the text-books employed, and which since its separation by Mosander in 1841 has been investigated by Marignac, Hermann, Watts, Bunsen, Deville, and Erk, not to mention many others, is no element at all, but is built up of two substances which can be separated from each other by an ordinary chemical process. The “decomposition” was in fact effected by means of the double ammonium or sodium nitrates in presence of lanthanum salt.

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