
Objective: It has been stated that blood pigments within discolored teeth may interfere with Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) measurements. The aim of this study was to assess pulp vitality with LDF in a cohort of discolored traumatized teeth referred for endodontic treatment or where the referring dentist had doubts regarding maintained tooth vitality. Background: Discoloration of teeth is a common sequel of dental trauma. Still today, it is taken as an indicator for root canal treatment. Transient apical breakdown (TAB) is confused with apical periodontitis, although it is a sequel of dental trauma in young mature teeth and will result in revascularization and dissolution of the apical radiolucency. Methods: A total of 26 patients with 28 discolored teeth, belonging to a cohort of referred patients with traumatized teeth referred for root canal treatment and/or pulp vitality assessment were screened on color with photographs by three investigators, with traditional sensibility tests and with a Moor VMS II LDF meter. Results: The color of the intrinsically discolored teeth was grayish in 58% of teeth, blue 20%, pink/crimson 12%, and yellow 4%. Eighty-five percent were central maxillary incisors, 11% were mandibulary incisors. Thanks to LDF, 43% of the trauma cases in this small cohort with discoloration underwent root canal treatment instead of 70% with traditional sensibility tests as indicator. TAB was found in 11%. Conclusions: LDF was decisive in diagnosing vitality of discolored teeth and there was no negative impact of tooth discoloration on LDF measurements.

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