
ABSTRACTGlobal discourses around English-medium instruction (EMI) have inspired controversy for many years now. A wide range of scholars has espoused multiple opinions exhorting the benefits and disadvantages of using English as a medium of instruction in higher education. Although EMI is certainly relevant to primary and secondary school education, this paper will focus on the impact of EMI on higher education due to its dominance in this sector and the implications for globalisation. In the Turkish context, this has developed into a mainly two-sided debate between those with nationalistic perspectives versus those with a more progressive and liberal approach. As well as considering these perspectives, this paper also evaluates the academic and sociological imperatives for using EMI. This study also examines the ethos surrounding the EMI discussion and considers some of the potentially detrimental effects on Turkish identity, traditions and cultural norms but concludes that the necessity and benefits of EMI are too great to be ignored, therefore the access and implementation should be reviewed to ensure the preservation of Turkish language and culture at the same time as reaping the benefits associated with EMI.

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