
Although the lifestyle of the Roman Emperor Claudius was characterized by overwork, gluttony and poor health, he survived to the remarkable age of 64. Even then, the circumstances of his death aroused suspicion. Was he poisoned? The Claudians were amongst the oldest patrician families in Roman society, and they entered the imperial line through the marriage of Livia to the Emperor Augustus (Box 1). The early life of her grandson Claudius was not propitious. His physical disabilities were such that, when he assumed the toga virilis on reaching his majority, he was taken for the ceremony at night; and similarly, in 6 AD, on the occasion of a gladiatorial spectacle in memory of his father Drusus, Augustus required him to attend covered in a cloak. Through his early studies Claudius became a considerable historian and acquired a detailed knowledge of the law, but there seemed no likelihood that this ungainly figure would ever be nominated Emperor. The death of Augustus in 14 AD put him fourth in line of succession, after Tiberius, Germanicus and Gaius Caligula. However, Germanicus died, and 4 years of despotic horror led to the assassination of the Emperor Caligula in 41 AD. Box 1 Claudius and his relations Claudius' first public office had been as consul at the beginning of Caligula's rule; and his performance in that post must have impressed the praetorians greatly to account for his rapid selection as Emperor. The 13 years of his reign were marked by progress through consolidation, the conquest of Britain (which he visited for sixteen days) and the development of the imperial civil service. He was married four times—to Plautia, Paetina, Messalina and Agrippina. In the matter of his death, suspicion has fallen particularly upon Agrippina.

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