
Establishing a scientific narrative of human origins requires a better understanding of the geological processes that facilitated the fossilization and recovery of hominins and associated fauna that inform us about our human ancestors’ past environments. Paleoanthropologists rely on geologists, particularly volcanologists, geochemists, sedimentologists, and geochronologists, to help them tease out the depositional and preservation history of fossils. Here, we provide an overview of how geology has contributed to major paleoanthropological discoveries from select Plio–Pleistocene localities in eastern Africa, Tanzania (Oldupai* (Olduvai) Gorge and Laetoli), Kenya (Allia Bay, Kanapoi, and Koobi Fora), and Ethiopia (Hadar, Woranso-Mille, and Dikika) over the past 75 years of research.

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