
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider in Tsukuba, Japan, has started taking physics data in early 2018 and plans to accumulate 50 ab-1, which is approximately 50 times more data than the Belle experiment. The collaboration expects it will require managing and processing approximately 200 PB of data. Computing at this scale requires efficient and coordinated use of the geographically distributed compute resources in North America, Asia and Europe and will take advantage of high-speed global networks. We present the general Belle II the distributed data management system and computing results from the first phase of data taking.


  • The Belle II experiment is the successor of the Belle experiment [1] at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan

  • Precision flavor physics measurements to be performed by Belle II are complementary to the direct search for new particles at the LHC [3]

  • If new physics is found at the LHC, flavor physics measurements are essential to identify the kind of new physics

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The Belle II experiment is the successor of the Belle experiment [1] at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. The Belle II experiment is planned to collect 50 ab−1 of data which requires approximately 200 Petabytes of storage. With this data, physicists will be able to performed precision measurements that will provide stringent tests of the SM and discover or constrain new physics. Precision flavor physics measurements to be performed by Belle II are complementary to the direct search for new particles at the LHC [3]. The Belle II collaboration has heavily leveraged existing software and computing infrastructure from the LHC experiments. The Belle II collaboration has built their distributed computing model around the DIRAC interware [4].

Belle II Computing Model
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