
In October 1986 the Danish Bacon and Meat Council carried out a questionnaire survey of producer attitudes to the Danish Pig Health Scheme (DPHS). Questionnaires were forwarded to 1430 randomly-selected swine producers, of which 41.1% replied. Of the respondents, 69.1% found the DPHS acceptable, good or excellent. An inverse relationship between the herd size and degree of satisfaction was demonstrated. Approximately 30% were in favor of expanding the DPHS program. A relatively large proportion of these had previously experienced an advisory DPHS visit. The willingness to pay (WTP) for the DPHS was also evaluated. Each producer was asked to specify the fee he would be willing to pay for a year's subscription to the DPHS, had the program been optional, or he could specify the sum he should receive per year in order to remain within the current scheme. Thus, the respondent's WTP could be positive, zero or negative. Of the responding producers, 33% would be prepared to pay a yearly DPHS subscription fee (i.e. positive WTP), with an average amount stated of Dkr. 387. The average amount stated by all respondents (i.e. positive, zero and negative WTP) was +Dkr. 91. The average actual expenses of the DPHS per herd covered in 1985–1986 amounted to Dkr. 23. Herd owners who had previously been offered an advisory DPHS visit were prepared to pay more often than herd owners with no previous DPHS contact.

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