
MR. ERIK M. POULSEN has published an interesting survey of the Danish lobster fishery compared with that of Norway, Sweden, and other country “Om Hummeren og Hummerfiskeriet i de Danske Farvande.” Skrifter udgivne af Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri—og Havundersogelser No. 10. Copenhagen, 1927). Lobsters in the Danish seas are found along the coast from a depth of a few metres to about 40 metres, on a stony or gravelly bottom. They are commonest on a stony bottom such as is found in the Northern Kattegat and Jammerbugton. Below a depth of about 40 metres they rarely occur, being replaced in the deeper waters down to about 300 metres by the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). The scarcity of newly hatched young in the upper water layers is remarkable, the author attributing this fact to the probable natural habitat being near the bottom even in the free-swimming stages, and after the third moult it apparently lives actually on the bottom.

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