
The parasitic disease Dirofilariasis has been detected in Central Yakutia for the last 3 years and deserves the closest attention from researchers and practicing veterinarians. In dogs infected with the nematode of the genus Dirofilaria and infected with in rural (suburban) dogs, the main pathomorphological changes were localized in the heart and were represented by atrophic, dystrophic and necrobiotic processes. In addition, the products of nematode metabolism led to the appearance of circulatory disorders. First of all, the researchers paid attention to the study of blood smears, a study of the microfilariae found in the smears. The authors also examined guard dogs that died from this disease, and not a complete examination of organs and tissues during the autopsy of the heart, luvers and parenchymatosis organs, sexually mature dirofilariae were found in the heart of the dissected fallen dogs. Subsequently, diagnostic methods were used to study peripheral blood, and live Microfilariae larvae were found. As the authors of the article note, cardiac Dirofilariasis subsequently had a destructive effect on red blood cells - red blood cells, and was observed in the development of Hemoglobinemia, Hemoglobinuria, in some cases leading to liver and kidney failure. On the part of the respiratory system, there were also characteristic clinical signs of chronic dry cough, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, the detection of foci of wheezing in the lungs. During the disease, the animals had the development of pulmonary Thromboembolism characterized by the occurrence of fever and the release of sputum with blood. In dirofilariasis, the authors observed a fatal outcome, the corpses of the fallen animals were opened for examination of organs and tissues to detect nematodes.

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