
Literary works no longer aim to entertain, but more than that, a literary work can be intended as a study of writing. The purpose of this writing is to conduct a study on the issue of feminism or gender inequality in a patriarchal society. The title” Daisy Buchanan's Liberal Feminism in The Novel the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” this research wants to show the domination and discrimination of women's position and women's rights in society. Analyzed by using the theory of Feminism, it was found that there was the oppression of Daisy Buchanan by Tom, her husband. Daisy Buchanan is described as a woman with an indifferent character who gives the image of a modern woman, however, what she displays is not like the reality in her life. Living in a patriarchal society made Daisy unable to escape the values of patriarchal culture, namely the tendency of male superiority over women. Tom Buchanan is the main character who is described as the main subject of bullying, while the main character Gatsby in his role is a man who has a true love for Daisy. The complicated and long story in this novel is a representation of patriarchal domination in society

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