
Several investigators have studied the influence of different states of gonadal activity on the cytology of the large human sweat (apocrine) glands. However, out of these observations has arisen no agreement that any correlation exists between the structural variations in the glands and the phases of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy. Loeschcke (18) and Herzenberg (8) reported hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the tubules during the “premenstruum” and menses, with accompanying increase in thickness of this cutaneous zone. Cytoplasmic granules, which they regarded as being secretory in nature, and cystic tubules were also more frequent. Cavazzana (5) agreed in general with these observations; Way and Memmesheimer (31) also observed hypertrophy and hyperplasia during the “premenstrual” period. In contrast, Klaar (16), Pana (24) and Montagna (20, 22) found no changes which could be correlated with different phases of the menstrual cycle. Klaar and Montagna carried out repeat biopsy studies on the same individual but only Klaar reported detailed observations for the individual cases.

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