
The wild Chinese grapevines (Vitis spp.) show varying levels of resistance to powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe necator that is an economically important disease of cultivated grapevines (Vitis vinifera). However, little information is available regarding the cytological mechanisms of powdery mildew resistance in these wild relatives. Here, we studied the cytological responses of three wild Chinese grapevine accessions after they were infected with E. necator (En) NAFU1 in comparison to the susceptible V. vinifera cv. ‘Thompson Seedless’ grape. The hyphal growth and sporulation of En NAFU1 were significantly restricted in wild species compared to ‘Thompson Seedless’, which appears to be associated with early cell wall deposition at the attempt sites, encasement of haustoria, and hypersensitive response-like cell death of penetrated epidermal cells. Moreover, endogenous free salicylic acid (SA) was more abundant in wild Chinese Vitis species than in ‘Thompson Seedless’ under pathogen-free condition. During En NAFU1 colonization, SA conjugates accumulated higher in wild grapevines than in ‘Thompson Seedless’. In addition, the species-specific expression patterns of defense-associated genes during En NAFU1 colonization indicated that mechanisms underlying powdery mildew resistance are divergent among different wild Chinese Vitis species. These results contribute to understanding of mechanisms underlying defense responses of wild Chinese Vitis species against powdery mildew.

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