
Abstract The separation of secondary phenolics in Lotus by means of thin-layer chromatography was investigated using silica gel G, cellulose, and polyamide as coating materials with a number of different solvents. cellulose and polyamide layers were found unsatisfactory with the solvents used. Likewise, two-dimensional separations were found unsatisfactory won all three coating layers with the solvents used. The best separation of secondary phenolics in Lotus extracts was found to be a one-dimensional ascending multiple-pass development technique employing two two-component solvents of silica gel G. Cyclohexane-ethyl acetate (I:I v/v) was used as the first solvent and allowed to pass twice up the layer to a height of 15 cm. A second solvent, methanlol—chloroform (30:70) was then allowed to run up only to R F 0.5. The plates were dried between developments. The former solvent separated the spots distal to the origin whereas the latter solvent gave excellent separation of the large number of closely associated spots proximal to the origin.

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