
Many authors have studied the geometry of submanifolds of Kaehlerian and Sasakian manifolds. On the other hand, David E. Blair has initiated the study of S-manifolds, which reduce, in particular cases, to Sasakian manifolds [1]. I. Mihai [7] and Ornea [8] have studied CR-submanifolds of S-manifolds. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate some properties ofinvariant and anti-invariant submanifolds of an S-manifold whose invariant f-sectional curvature is constant, that is, of an S-space form. Specifically, those ones related with the curvature tensor fields and with the scalar curvature on the submanifold. In Section 1 we review basic formulas for submanifolds in Riemannian manifolds and, in Section 2, for S-manifolds. In Sections 3 and 4 we study anti-invariant and invariant submanifolds, respectively, of an S-space form. Finally, in the last section we give some examples.

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