
Up to the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order, we compute (i) the current-type quadrupole moment of (non-spinning) compact binary systems, as well as (ii) the corresponding gravitational-wave mode (2, 1) (constituting a 3.5PN correction in the waveform). Moreover, at this occasion, (iii) we recompute and confirm the previous calculation of the mass-type octupole moment to 3PN order. The ultra-violet divergences due to the point-like nature of the source are treated by means of dimensional regularization. This entails generalizing the definition of the irreducible mass and current multipole moments of an isolated PN source in d spatial dimensions. In particular, we find that the current type moment has the symmetry of a particular mixed Young tableau and that, in addition, there appears a third type of moment which is however inexistent in 3 spatial dimensions.

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