
<p>專科護理師在台灣發展近30年,過去的專科護理師培訓以專業知識為主,以符合臨床照護需求。近年來,專科護理師的角色逐漸被重視,開始擔負起在專科護理師領域的領導者角色,但每家醫院對專科護理師的要求標準不一致,除擔任專科護理師行政管理者的工作外,亦須同時兼顧臨床專科護理師的角色,繁重的行政工作造成專科護理師主管相當大的工作負荷,例如處理人力短缺、排班、留任、訓練、考核等,同時執行臨床照護與行政管理的工作,造成專科護理師擔任行政主管的意願不高。因此,專科護理師學會規劃領導系列培訓課程,期望能增進專科護理師行政主管的領導能力,除了在醫院帶領專科護理師的專業發展,也期許發揮影響力能讓世界看見台灣專科護理師。</p> <p> </p><p>The development of nurse practitioner in Taiwan has been more than thirty years. Several reasons were behind the beginning of the nurse practitioner development, including the shortfall of resident doctors, lacking of nursing professional autonomy, and shortage of preceptor in advanced nursing. As a result, the doctors were responsible for the training program. After the laws were established to regulate the role of nurse practitioner with efforts from the government and scholars supporting the nurse practitioner education, many preceptors as trainees of nurse practitioner became important roles as instructors in hospitals. Taiwan’s nurse practitioner education mainly provided in hospital because the demand for nurse practitioner is still increasing in medical system and this phenomenon is a far cry from the overseas nurse practitioner training programs, which are provided in the higher education.The design of the nurse practitioner training program should base on the core competencies, and the advanced nursing curriculum should include 3Ps, such are physical assessment, pathology and pharmacology.Can the short-term hospital training program meet the expectation? Therefore, this study aims to introduce the origins of the hospital training system for nurse practitioners in Taiwan, the content of the training curriculum and the core competencies of the nurse practitioner. By doing so, we hope the readers can extend the discussion on the hospital training program to a wider scope.</p> <p> </p>

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