
The article contains a brief analysis of the difficulties and problems of the development of the sociology of sports abroad and in our country. The article considers the situation with certain measures to displace applied profile sociology undertaken in some Russian physical culture and sports universities in the modern period. As a possible explanation of the reasons for the unfavorable policy regarding the sociology of physical culture and sports and, nevertheless, to prove the prospects of including applied concrete sociological research in the organization of educational and research practice in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia, the materials of the plenary report at the International Congress dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the RSUPESY&T (Russian state university of physical education, sport, youth and tourism) are positioned. The text of the article contains references to the fundamental works performed by teachers, undergraduates and applicants of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of this university over the past 10 years, which formed the basis of this report. The references show the problems facing modern profile science, as well as the results of specific sociological research (CSI) on this issue. In addition, some of the sports-specific areas of the department's work with the use of CSI are briefly reflected.

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