
The article analyzes the main recreational resources (objects of the natural and historical and cultural environment) of the national natural parks in Eastern Poliss: Desnyansko-Starogutsky, Mezinsky, Dniprovsky-Desnyansky and Zalіss. Near the boundaries of the parks there are wide typical and unique landscapes of the Chernigiv Polis and Novgorod-Siverskiy Polis. Among the historical and cultural recreational resources, important architectural objects deserve respect: the Paleolithic site of the first people (Mezinsky NPP), the remnants of the settlement of Milogradivska culture dated VII-I Art. BC (NPP "Zalіssya"); architectural objects: churches of the ХІІІ- ХІХ centuries and others.
 On the territory of the National Park, ecological paths, routes (automobile, bicycle, hiking) are designated, which give the opportunity to get to know the nature. It has been established that the most important types of tourism in NNP EasternPolissya are recreational and educational (for the method), cycling, automobile, pedestrian, water (for the transfer method). To assess the possibilities of organizing a weekend day, an assessment of 100-kilometer accessibility behind the main highways to the territory of NPP Eastern Polissya for the additional Google Earth Pro service was made. It has been established that the 100-kilometer accessibility zone of NPP "Zalissya" and RLP "Mіzhrichinsky" (designed by NPP "Dniprovsko-Desnyansk Mіzhrichchya") consume millions of places - the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. This promotes the recreational privatility of these NPPs. Further direct can be the development of recreational and health tourism, weekend tours, expansion of the transfer of services, which can be applied by national natural parks.

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