
Lifestyle impacts morbidity and mortality worldwide. Herein, we evaluated the association of a multidimensional lifestyle measure and its domains (diet/nutrition, substance use, physical activity, social, stress management, sleep, environmental exposure) with risky drinking. Also, we analyzed the cumulative effect of unhealthy domains in the likelihood of presenting risky drinking. To reach these objectives, data from a web survey conducted in Brazil and Spain was analyzed. The main outcome was risky drinking assessed by the AUDIT-C. Lifestyle was measured using the Short Multidimensional Inventory Lifestyle Evaluation (SMILE). Fixed logistic models were used to evaluate associations between lifestyle and risky drinking. Between April and May 2020, 22,785 individuals answered the survey. The prevalence of risky drinking was 45.6% in Brazil and 30.8% in Spain. The SMILE score was lower (unhealthier lifestyle) among at-risk drinkers. Worse scores on Diet, Substance use, Stress management and Environment were associated with an increased likelihood of risky drinking. The higher the number of unhealthy domains, the higher the likelihood of presenting risky drinking: adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for risky drinking was 1.15 (IC95% 0.98–1.35) and 23.42 (IC95% 3.08–178.02) for those presenting worse lifestyle in 1 and 5 domains, respectively. Finally, interactions suggest that improvement in lifestyle domains would have a larger effect in Spain than in Brazil. Our results suggest that future interventions aiming at reducing Risky drinking may benefit from strategies targeting multiple domains of lifestyle.

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