
Elucidating the cultural transition of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in northern China (Northeast and North China) is extremely important in considering the emergence and diffusion of Anatomically Modern Humans in East Asia. This article discusses 25 assemblages from 11 sites before and after ca. 42–40 cal ka in northern China. Each assemblage was given the techno-cultural category of “industry” (Industries D, DQ, DP, DL, PF, B, TB, UP, M, MO) based on the scheme of PaleoAsia modes. The PaleoAsia modes are an expanded version of J. J. Shea's modes, which describe and categorize flaking and lithic tool-production technologies. Following the chronological dating of assemblages, this study proposes that an industrial transition took place from the Middle Palaeolithic (MP) to Upper Palaeolithic (UP) in northern China. Characteristic technical elements were noted for each assemblage, including the Levallois technique, polished bone tool, personal ornament, blade technique, and UP tools. The following four stages were established for the abovementioned industrial transition in northern China: MP (before 41.5–40.0 cal ka), IUP (41.5–40.0 cal ka), EUP (40.0–28.0 cal ka), and MUP/LUP (after 28.0–27.0 cal ka). With the Exception of the last stage, which is associated with a microblade industry, the main industry of each stage was affiliated with denticulate tools. As such, there was no discontinuity in the technological traditions found between these stages in northern China. Rather, industries continuously and gradually shifted from the MP to UP; that is, UP techno-elements were incrementally introduced. To understand the drivers behind this industrial transition, it is first necessary to verify whether anatomically modern humans migrated to northern China during the MP and if they then maintained the group of denticulate tool industries until the UP.

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