
The manga industry has taken the world by storm since the early 20th century. Not only does it hold a large market share in Japan, mangas have attracted a global audience; they have become a popular medium through which entertainment is being derived. Not only has the sales of mangas been booming in foreign countries as well as within their own country, it has penetrated into its readers’ culture as well. Mangas have been successful in transcending the cultural barriers and making an important and lasting impression on the audiences across the globe. At first, these Japanese comics did not garner the appeal from the audiences, however now it has been successful in capturing the imagination of the readers around the world, spawning a fan base that has been increasing day by day. However, these comics have faced quite a few problems along the way. This paper will focus on the evolution of manga in society, the content within these mangas and their criticism and their cultural influence on society, with specific references from China and USA.

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