
Aspartame (L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester) is adipeptidesweetener,∼200timessweeterthansucrose.Becauseof its dietary and pharmaceutical usefulness, various charac-teristics of aspartame, including the model of its receptor siteand its conformation in aqueous solution, have been studiedextensively [1, 2]. Aspartame is known to grow in differentpseudo-polymorphicforms,IA,IB,IIAandIIB,eachcontaininga different amount of water and all having a needle-likemorphology. Although a lot of information on aspartame canbe found in literature, no clear and complete picture can beobtainedofthedehydrationprocessatthemolecularlevel.Oneobjectofourworkwastoobtainthe″missing″crystalstructureoftheanhydrateformandthestudyofitsrelationtotheotherforms.TheemployedtechniquewasX-rayPowderDiffraction(XRPD), using a Bruker AXS D8 ADVANCE X-ray PowderDiffractometerintransmissioncapillarygeometry.ThecrystalstructureoftheaspartameanhydratewassolvedusingtheDASHsoftware[3].ThefinalRietveldrefinementwasperformedwiththe Topas software [4]. The anhydrate crystallizes in themonoclinic system with space group

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