
The crystal structure of 2,2′-bis-1,3-dithiole dimethyl dicyanofumarate has been determined from a single-crystal X-ray study. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space groupP21/c with two complexes per unit cell of dimensionsa=11.075(2)A,b=11.615(3)A,c=6.623(4)A, α=γ=90.0°,β=95.7(16)°, andV=847.6(9)A3. The observed and calculated densities are 1.56 and 1.57 g cm−3 respectively. Full-matrix least-squares refinement using 404 reflections having 4°⩽2θ⩽50° andI⩾3σ(I) converged atR=0.0492 andRw=0.0614. Structural parameters in bond lengths and bond angles do not change to any observable extent when comparing the parent molecules to the complexed state. AnOrtep view along thec-axis shows the units to be arranged in segregated parallel stacks with a distance of 3.31 A between layers.

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