
We give functorial recipes to get, out of any Hopf algebra over a field, two pairs of Hopf algebras with some geometrical content. If the ground field has characteristic zero, the first pair is made by a function algebra F [ G + ] over a connected Poisson group and a universal enveloping algebra U ( g − ) over a Lie bialgebra g − . In addition, the Poisson group as a variety is an affine space, and the Lie bialgebra as a Lie algebra is graded. Forgetting these last details, the second pair is of the same type, namely ( F [ K + ] , U ( k − ) ) for some Poisson group K + and some Lie bialgebra k − . When the Hopf algebra H we start from is already of geometric type the result involves Poisson duality. The first Lie bialgebra associated to H = F [ G ] is g ∗ (with g : = Lie ( G ) ), and the first Poisson group associated to H = U ( g ) is of type G ∗ , i.e., it has g as cotangent Lie bialgebra. If the ground field has positive characteristic, the same recipes give similar results, but the Poisson groups obtained have dimension 0 and height 1, and restricted universal enveloping algebras are obtained. We show how these geometrical Hopf algebras are linked to the initial one via 1-parameter deformations, and explain how these results follow from quantum group theory. We examine in detail the case of group algebras.

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