
1. Cancer pagurus cuticle has been separated into three layers: a combined epi- and exocuticle, an endocuticle, and a membranous layer. 2. The layers are characterized with respect to weight, protein and chitin content, solubility, and amino acid composition. 3. The amino acid compositions of the protein mixtures, obtained by extraction of the layers with dilute ammonia, are reported together with the molecular weights of the individual proteins in the mixtures. 4. According to their composition arthropod cuticles can be divided into two types: one which mainly comprises “soft” cuticles and which is characterized by having a relatively high chitin content, high protein solubility, high content of acidic amino acid residues and a relatively low content of non-polar amino acids. The other type which mainly includes “hardened” cuticle, is relatively poor in chitin, the proteins are not easily extracted, and the content of non-polar amino acid residues is high. The Cancer cuticle appears to belong to the first group.

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