
The objective of this study was to investigate the role of yeasts in the wet fermentation of coffee beans and their contribution to coffee quality using a novel approach. Natamycin (300 ppm) was added to the fermentation mass to suppress yeast growth and their metabolic activities, and the resultant microbial ecology, bean chemistry and sensory quality were analyzed and compared to non-treated spontaneous fermentation we reported previously. The yeast community was dominated by Hanseniaspora uvarum and Pichia kudriavzevii and grew to a maximum population of about 5.5 log CFU/g in the absence of Natamycin, while when Natamycin was added yeasts were suppressed. The major bacterial species in both the spontaneous and yeast-suppressed fermentations included the lactic acid bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactococcus lactis, the acetic acid bacteria Gluconobacter cerinus and Acetobacter persici and the Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacter, Citrobacter and Erwinia. For both fermentations, the mucilage layers were completely degraded by the end of the process and the absence of yeast activities had no significant impact on mucilage degradation. During fermentation, reducing sugars were consumed while lactic acid was accumulated inside the beans, and its concentration was significantly higher in the spontaneous fermentation (3 times) than that where yeasts were suppressed by Natamycin. Glycerol was detected with a concentration of 0.08% in the absence of Natamycin and was not identified when Natamycin was added. Green beans fermented with yeast growth contained a higher amount of isoamyl alcohol (21 times), ethanol (3.7 times), acetaldehyde (8 times), and ethyl acetate (25 times) compared to beans fermented in the absence of yeast activities, which remained higher in the former after roasting. Beans fermented without yeast activities had a mild fruity aroma, and lower sensory scores of fragrances (7.0), flavor (6.5), acidity (6.3), body (7.0) and overall score (6.5) compared to the former. These findings demonstrated the crucial roles of yeasts in wet fermentation of coffee beans and for producing high quality coffee.

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