
The modern world is rapidly transforming into an interconnected global community, driven by escalating energy demands. Despite this evolution, Earth's resources remain finite. The growing need for energy, coupled with the imperative to address human development, well-being, and health, necessitates a robust response to climate change. A decisive shift towards renewable energy sources is crucial and must be sustainable to meet future energy demands. This study explores opportunities presented by renewable energy sources, focusing on solar, wind, geothermal, and hydrogen energy, alongside net-zero sustainability through carbon and methane capture. These sources enhance energy security, improve energy access, promote social and economic development, mitigate climate change, and reduce environmental and health impacts. However, challenges hinder the sustainable adoption of renewable energy, including market failures, limited access to information, the need for essential raw materials, and rising carbon emissions. To address these, the paper proposes measures and policy recommendations aimed at advancing the renewable energy agenda, reducing emissions, mitigating climate change, and ensuring a clean environment and sustainable energy for future generations.

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