
It has been known for many years that visual cues play an important role in multisensory flavor perception and this can be critical in the beverage choices made by the consumer. What we see also profoundly influences our food choices and consumption behaviors [2]. Something like 200 studies have been published on this topic since the original report appeared back in 1936 (see [33], for a review of this extensive literature). By and large, the research that has been published to date shows that people’s judgment of the identity of a beverage’s taste, aroma (or bouquet), and flavor can all be influenced by changing the color (either appropriate, inappropriate, or absent) of the drink that they happen to be evaluating. Additionally, many (but by no means all) of the studies that have investigated the effect of varying the intensity of the color added to a beverage have shown an effect on the intensity of taste and/or flavor perception (see [33], for a review). Color also influences appetitive behaviors [35].

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