
The problem of finding out cross-lingual lexical equivalents seems to be topical in the aspect of its correlation with the problem of defining lingual and linguistic universals, conceptual / extra-linguistic categories, fundamental / basic concepts, universals of culture, scientific universals, universals of language of science, and therefore scientific universals in linguistics. The purpose of the study is to find out cross-lingual lexical equivalents which represent stepby-step logical-conceptual transformation of one of the scientific universals in Slavic languages. The object of the study is logical-conceptual transformation of the philosophical and scientific universal «structure and elements» according to two levels of its gradation. The subject of the study is terms-representatives of logical-philosophical transformation of the scientific universal «structure and elements» in various Slavonic languages. The results of the study indicate that such universals can be formulated in different way and accordingly they can be represented differently in certain terms at different organization levels and in different areas of application. Let us trace the transformation of logical-conceptual universal «structure and elements» into a general scientific universal «science and its fields», later in special scientific (linguistic) universal «science of language and its subdivisions» ↓ «science of term and its branches» and further at the level of cross-lingual lexical equivalents into proper linguistic universals represented by relevant terms in various Slavonic languages. Cross-lingual equivalents are categorized according to models due to correlation of national and international components. The practical significance of the study is determined by application of logical-conceptual analysis of scientific and, consequently, conceptual-terminological universals in practice of compiling multilingual terminological dictionaries. Conclusions. The logical-conceptual transformation of scientific universals at the linguistic level of representation raises the problems оf correlation of international — national — hybrid terms, internationalization — nationalization / de-nationalization of terminological units in the aspect of revealing their typological varieties in comparable languages, finding out terminological equivalence, synonymy, doubletness, variability, and, consequently, normalization of the linguistic form of expression and harmonization of their meaning.

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