
The three-factor model of fit advanced by Cable and DeRue using a U.S. sample included person-organization (P-O) fit, needs-supplies (N-S) fit, and demands-abilities (D-A) fit. In this paper, we test conceptual and functional equivalence of the fit model cross-culturally, replicating Cable and DeRue’s work. Employee-supervisor paired responses were collected in Russia (N=233) and China (N=193). Conceptually, our results demonstrate that both Russian and Chinese employees distinguish between P-O fit, N-S fit, and D-A fit. Functionally, the results show that, similarly to that in the U.S., in Russia and China, P-O fit is linked to organizational identification, perceived organizational support, organizational citizenship behaviors, and intentions to quit, while N-S fit is related to intentions to quiz, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and occupational commitment. We also found several functional differences. In Russia, the results supported the links, originally hypothesized but not found in the U.S.,...

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